Napoli’s Clothing & Shoes +6 +5 +4 +3 +2CODICE SWEATER$165.00Color13 MINT19 STEELSize485052545658Please chooseQuantity:1 Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutProduct DetailsBrand: CODICEThe Cold Dyed Crew Neck Sweater from Codice in a lightweight, vintage wash. EUROPEAN FIT COMPOSITION: 100% COTTON CARE INSTRUCTIONS: WASH INSIDE OUT ON A GENTLE CYCLE COLD WATER HANG DRY DRY CLEAN Show MoreSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itStore/Apparel/Tops/Crew Neck/Long SleeveCODICE SWEATERStore/Apparel/Tops/Crew Neck/Long SleeveYou May Also LikeCODICE SWEATER$185.00CODICE SWEATER